IMO Tier III emission


Sanmar signs contract with new customer in Bulgaria for multi-purpose tug

SANMAR has signed a contract with new customer PORT FLOT – BURGAS, one of Bulgaria’s leading towage companies, to build a versatile multi-purpose tug to join […]

Sanmar delivers new Ice Class 1A tug to work in northern Baltic

Sanmar has delivered a tough new Ice Class tug to Finland-headquartered operator Alfons Håkans to work in the challenging waters of the northern Baltic Sea. Named […]

Sanmar delivers powerful escort tug to long-term client P&O Maritime Logistics

Sanmar has delivered a high-performance, technologically advanced escort tug to our long-term client P&O Maritime Logistics. Based on the exclusive-to-Sanmar, RAstar 2900SX design from Canadian naval […]

Damen Shipyards delivers new Multi Cat 2309 to Atlantic Towage & Marine Ltd

Hi-spec vessel includes Kongsberg DPS and IMO Tier III readiness On the 12th of April, the Ireland-based marine services company Atlantic Towage & Marine Ltd took […]