Caterpillar 3512E


Sanmar’s latest RAmparts 2400SX-MKII arrives in Norway

Sanmar has delivered one of its best-selling, multi-purpose Bogacay Series tugs to Norwegian operator Buksér og Berging, where it will work out of the Port of […]

Sanmar Shipyards to build another eco-friendly tug for environmentally-aware operator

Sanmar Shipyards has signed a new contract with long-term client Buksér og Berging AS to build a new generation environmentally-friendly tugboat. It will be the 9th […]

Sanmar Shipyards delivers cleaner and greener tugs at end of successful year

Sanmar Shipyards has ended a successful year with the delivery of two tugboats that are both powerful and environmentally-aware to Italy-based long-term client Rimorchiatori Augusta. They […]

RApport 2600 Tug Hayden Grace Delivered

Robert Allan Ltd. is pleased to announce that the RApport 2600 tug Hayden Grace was successfully delivered to Bay-Houston Towing Co. and started her commitments in Galveston, Texas in November. […]