Smit Lamnalco awarded Exclusive Towage Licence for the Port of Gladstone

Smit Lamnalco awarded Exclusive Towage Licence for the Port of Gladstone

Smit Lamnalco has been awarded an exclusive licence by Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) to supply towage services in the Port of Gladstone. The licence will commence on 1 January 2019 for a five-year term, with an option to extend for a further three years to 31 December 2026.

The award of the Gladstone Harbour Towage Licence followed a competitive and comprehensive tender process. “Smit Lamnalco is proud to have again been selected to provide towage services in this unique environment. We are looking forward to continuing our strong partnership with GPC, our port stakeholders and the local Gladstone community,” said Smit Lamnalco Commercial Director Frederik Rutgers.

The Port of Gladstone is one of Queensland’s largest multi-commodity ports and serves an area rich in natural resources. Its major cargoes include coal, bauxite, alumina, aluminium, cement and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Smit Lamnalco has been providing harbour towage services at the Port of Gladstone since 2011. Eleven tugs, specifically designed to meet the unique operational characteristics of the port, will be deployed to service both harbour and LNG customers.

“We are looking forward to continuing our partnership with Gladstone Ports Corporation and its customers. We are pleased that GPC has recognised our ability to provide high quality, efficient and safe towage services to the broad spectrum of port users,” said Stanley Maas, Smit Lamnalco Chief Executive Officer

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