Sanmar Shipyards


Specialist tug builder wins prestigious repeat order

The world’s leading tug operator, Svitzer, has ordered five new ASD tugs for round-the-clock operational support for vessel movements in, Oman. The renewal of a 15 […]

Third of new tractor class modified to meet customer needs

Sanmar, Turkey’s leading tug builder, has delivered the third version of its new Robert Allan Ltd designed series, the Traktor-Z 2500SX– Delicay Class. The new vessel, […]

Fitting blessing for new tug Kīnaki

With a perfectly timed swing of the bottle, a shower of champagne, and a celebratory cheer, Port Taranaki’s new tug was officially named Kīnaki today. “I name […]

Sparkling welcome home for Kīnaki

A sunny winter’s day and a striking water salute combined to give Port Taranaki’s new tug Kīnaki a memorable welcome home today. The Kīnaki rounded the Main […]