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Med Marine and Mainport (Celtic Tugs) Celebrates Christening Ceremony of Celtic Treaty

Med Marine joined the christening ceremony of the Celtic Treaty. Constructed by Med Marine, Celtic Treaty was delivered to Mainport in June 2023. The ceremony took […]

Redwise delivers the first full electric tug to Vancouver, Canada.

Redwise had the honor to deliver the first full electric ASD tug on behalf of HaiSea Marine, a partnership of the Haisla Nation and Seaspan ULC, […]

KOTUG Canada partners with Robert Allan Ltd. and Sanmar to build two powerful, high bollard pull Methanol Fuelled Escort Tugs

After a rigorous and competitive process KOTUG Canada (“KOTUG”) has selected Türkiye’s Sanmar Shipyards to build two RAsalvor 4400-DFM dual fuel methanol escort tugs – Robert […]

KOTUG Canada Provides First State-of-the-Art Dual Fuel Methanol Escort Tugs for Trans Mountain’s Expanded Operations on Canada’s West Coast

In 2021, after a rigorous and competitive process, Trans Mountain, on behalf of shippers for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP), awarded KOTUG Canada Inc. a […]