

Kotug International launches inland shipping division

Game-changing vessel design for the inland shipping industry KOTUG International B.V. (KOTUG) announces the establishment of an Inland Shipping division to provide electric powered pusher tugs […]

Sanmar to build five technologically advanced tugs to serve LNG Canada

Sanmar Shipyards is proud to announce the contract signing with HaiSea Marine for the build and delivery of two (2) LNG Fuelled Escort Tugs and three […]

Med Marine delivers super ice class tier III tugboat Sulina 2 to A.F.D.J.

Med Marine delivered 30m and 55 TBP MED-A3055-ICE-SUPER class ASD tugboat, Sulina 2 to AFDJ, Romania. (Administratia Fluviala a Dunarii de Jos RA Galati, a state […]

Sanmar completes second of two unique custom-designed ice-breaking tugboats

Sanmar has completed the second of two unique high-performance ice-breaking tugboats custom-designed for Finland-based operator Alfons Håkans to operate all-year round in the harsh, often frozen, […]