

Kotug Smit Towage performs naming ceremony for tugs ‘Rotterdam’ & ‘Beagle’

On 13th June 2018, the naming ceremony of the newly-built Damen tugs ‘Rotterdam’ and ‘Beagle’ took place in the Port of Rotterdam, during Kotug Smit Towage’s annual […]

Ocean signed a 10-year contract with port of Kingston, Jamaica, for harbour towage services.

Ocean signed a 10-year contract with the Port Authority of Jamaica for providing harbour towage services at the Kingston Harbour. Thanks to this new contract, we export our harbour […]

Vittoria Shipyard delivers ASD tug to Algeria

Italy’s Vittoria Shipyard has delivered the tugboat Cap de Fer (Yard No. No C 869) to the Skikda, Algeria, port authority (Entreprise Portuaire de Skikda). The ASD tug […]

Work Boat Large for US Navy

From powerful seine skiffs for the Alaskan salmon fishery to sturdy and practical crew boats for the safe transfer of workers on marine construction jobs, Snow […]